Hi again, nice to meet you!

Patryk Byszek

31, Developer, Musician, Coffee enjoyer

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I'm a junior frontend developer, with close to two years of hobbyist experience. Prior to that I've worked on several technical positions, from local and remote support to IT / System admin. Currently I am unfortunately not working professionally as a developer, but I am still trying to find a spot for me. As of now I am doing my best to become a fullstack dev by learning Node, specifically Express.


Some of the technologies I am familiar with and used during my commercial experience:


Apart from the above, I have also experimented with several other frameworks, state management libraries, databases, CSS preprocessors, UI libraries...


My free time I either spend relaxing with my dog, learning something new, or playing guitar. I used to play in a band, and even released two records on vinyl. I am also a bit of a gamer. Besides the mentioned, I also am interested in electronics and with the help of tutorials I've built small devices like guitar pedal effects - most of them worked...

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